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Dealing with Anger: Don't Let It Control You

Kamis, 03 Mar 2022 10:00 WIB
Dealing with Anger: Don't Let It Control You
Foto: Priscilla du Preez/Unsplash
Jakarta -

What exactly is anger?

Anger is a strong emotion that you experience when anything goes wrong or when someone wrongs you. Stress, frustration, and irritation are common feelings associated with it. Anger is something that everyone experiences from time to time. It's a totally typical reaction to challenging or stressful conditions.

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion for the most part. It becomes a problem when it is shown excessively and begins to influence your everyday functioning and interpersonal relationships. Anger can range in intensity from slight annoyance to rage. People exhibit anger differently. Screaming may be an outlet for some people's anger, while others may vent their rage by physically assaulting an object or even another person. Some people are truly "hotheaded," according to Jerry Deffenbacher, PhD, a psychologist who specializes in anger management. They become angry more fiercely than the average person.

The Importance of Managing Your Anger

It is important to control your anger before it takes control of you. People who are quickly irritated tend to have a poor tolerance for frustration, which simply means that they believe they should not have to deal with irritation, difficulty, or annoyance. It's essential to figure out what makes you angry, and then devise tactics to prevent those triggers from sending you over the edge. Then, it's also critical to figure out how to deal with anger. Allowing anger to take control of our life can have a negative impact on all we do, including our relationships. It has the potential to harm our personal relationships as well as create problems at work. We may regret the things we do when we are angry.

Ways to Control Anger

Here are some ways that you can use to control your anger.

  • Breathe deeply. As you become more enraged, your respiration becomes shallow and quickens. Take several calm, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to reverse the tendency and your anger.
  • Say a mantra. Repeat a soothing word or phrase slowly, such as "relax," "you'll be fine." While inhaling deeply, repeat it to yourself.
  • Listen to music. Allow music to transport you away from your emotions. Put your earbuds in or get in your room or car. Turn on your favorite tunes and let it help you fix your mood.
  • Relax your muscles. Doing yoga or some simple stretching movements and exercises can help relax your muscles and let you feel less tense. This can help you to calm down more quickly.
  • Embrace confrontation. If you've been irritated by someone, inform the person in a positive and constructive manner. He or she might be astonished, if not outraged, by what you say. Yet, at the end they will forgive you and appreciate your respectful communication style.

We're all human, and at some point we all allow our anger get the best of us. However, just because you can feel angry, doesn't mean you have to let it govern your relationship with others or spiral out of control. We can also learn to regulate our anger by seeking anger management treatment from professionals. Anger management is intended to assist you in controlling and decreasing your anger.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]