Inspire | Love & Relationship

Is It Love or Is It Infatuation?

Rabu, 09 Feb 2022 12:00 WIB
Is It Love or Is It Infatuation?
Foto: Asad Photo Maldives/Pexels
Jakarta -

Whenever we meet someone new, sometimes we get this feeling of attraction towards that person. We can't shake away the obsessive feeling. Whatever we do daily, we can't seem to get them out of our heads. We mustered up the courage to approach them and ended up in a relationship. The first few months feel like paradise, leading us to think that they are the one. How can we be sure that he/she is the one we're going to spend the rest of our life with? Or could it be just an infatuation-a temporary feeling?

Let's get it straight before we continue. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love as a warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion, while infatuation is a feeling of foolish or obsessively strong love for, admiration for, or interest in someone or something. By that definition, we can conclude that love involves commitment, bond, and attachment to someone, whereas infatuation is shallower-sort of like the honeymoon phase.

According to Ian Kerner, Ph.D., a sex therapist, infatuation is generally a feeling that one would feel at the beginning of a relationship. You must have felt that before-the irrational excitement and constant euphoria every time you see or think about him/her. However, love forms when there's a bond, which is cultivated over a long period. You've figured out your partner's details. For instance, how they like their coffee, their upbringings, their background, what they're trying to achieve in life, etc.

The big question is, can infatuation turn into love? Of course, it can, but it requires two things to blossom: time and effort. You need to work on your communication, compromise, and commitment with your partner. Ask anyone you know, and they'll tell you that those three are the most challenging part of a relationship, and the time needed varies from person to person. But once you nail all three, you can then graduate from "I get goosebumps whenever I see you" to "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Finding a life partner is no menial task as there is no easy way to find one that fits like a glove. But if you put in the time and effort, nothing seems insurmountable.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]



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