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2022 CXO Picks: 5 Food Trends

Kamis, 29 Dec 2022 18:30 WIB
2022 CXO Picks: 5 Food Trends
Foto: Pexels: Fauxels
Jakarta -

Who doesn't like to eat? As the year comes to a close, we take a look back at how our eating habits have shifted throughout the many changes we faced in this long, long year. While the COVID-19 pandemic has not really gone yet—evidenced by the fluctuating number of cases throughout the years—2022 is the year that public gatherings are back. Once again, we come out to dine and host potlucks. How do this year's food trends go? We take a look back at them in this list.

Communal Eating is Back

Now that the COVID-19 pandemic is steadily going down and vaccinations are widespread, restaurants are packed once again and F&B establishments are open until late. Eating together, or makan tengah in Indonesian, is an activity we have largely moved away from in the past two years. Out of the nostalgia of dining together, many establishments—such as Pò SupperKlab—lean into the trend by offering food in larger portions, meant to be shared. As it is a dearly missed activity, it will come as no surprise if the trend endures.

Comfort Food Reigns Supreme

Foods that are near and dear to the heart—and palate—are irreplaceable. Evidenced by the popularity of establishments such as Jakarta's numerous outlets of Remboelan, Warpopski in Tebet, or Bandung's Warung Kopi Imah Babaturan, it seems that flavor notes that people are familiar with makes for a strong connection with consumers. However, it should be noted that comfort food doesn't always equal food from one's culture-as food from foreign origins which have a longstanding history with the Indonesian people can also be qualified as such.

Coffee at Home

A remnant from when the pandemic was in full swing, a lot of people started to make coffee at home. Facilitated by recipes found online, these homebrewers often share their creations with each other through TikTok, Instagram, and other social platforms. It also helps that local specialty roasters—such as Strut Coffee—are eager to help new consumers by offering beans recommendations based on the customers' tastes, all the way to grinding them to their customers' preferences and equipments.

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Consumers are increasingly becoming more aware of the origins of their food. Aside from being fresh, locally-sourced food is also environmentally responsible and supports the local communities. One notable example is Seroja Bake in Bandung, which marries various pastries with traditional Indonesian desserts and seasonal ingredients. Aside from good food—which is a requirement—establishments with strong values that resonate with the consumers might be able to command more loyalty.

Escalated Indonesiana

This trend has been gaining traction in the past few years. The idea of Indonesian food as a luxury may not be as readily accepted a decade ago, but today establishments such as Andrea Peresthu's Daun Muda in Jakarta or Dailah and The White Clover in Bandung can easily convince those with a doubt. Again, the reason for its rise is directly related to comfort, yet the elevated takes present depths to appreciate Indonesian food. As it is an interesting trend which allows us to view familiar foods in a different light, we hope that this is just the beginning.

[Gambas:Audio CXO]
